Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Scholarship Essay

Since I was a little girl I have always wanted to succeed in life and I never wanted to end up like the rest of my family members. Unfortunately none of my family members have had the opportunity to go beyond high school. Only three of my brothers have graduated from high school the other two have simply dropped out. I feel like all the pressure is on me now, I have to decide if I really want to work the rest of my life in a lame job or work hard to succeed in life. I believe I am the right candidate for this scholarship because I will be the first generation to go to college; this will be the beginning of my dream, and I will be able to help my community.
As I have mentioned before none of my family members have gone beyond high school. I know that I can be the first one to go to college. This is very important for me because I want to set an example to my little sister. I want my little sister to be able to know that dreams are possible. Not only will it help my little sister to see an example but I know that it will make my parents very proud. My parents have done so much for me and my brothers so we can succeed in life. Unfortunately my brothers have not gone beyond high school and I know that my parents feel disappointed. I know that I can do this and I will do whatever to go to college and be someone in this world. I want to make my parents proud of me and I know that if I go to college they will be proud of me.
Dreams don’t just appear if you simply wish for them. One has to take action in getting that dream. I have learned that if I just sit and wish for a dream it doesn’t magically appear I have to take action in getting my dream. This is why I have started taking action so I can make my dream come true. I know that in order to be an architect I first have to go to college. Attending college means money and I know that my parents don’t have the money to pay for my college that is why I am taking action by applying to scholarships. But I also know that college is not easy and I will have to try even harder. I don’t want to end up dropping out of college so I have begun to prepare myself by challenging myself in high school. Even though I know that high school is not like college I will develop good study skills and those will help me succeed in college.
Helping the community is as important to me as going to college. I believe that people should stop whining about the world and how horrible it is. Instead of whining they should do something to fix the problem. We do not gain anything by just whining we have to take action. I have volunteered in different organizations that help out the community. If I want to impact the world I should start from helping my community. When one helps out the community, one gains respect. I believe that if you want to be important you have to be able to gain the respect from others. My community is important because that is where I have grown up and have learned from life. I want to let them know that I do care for them.
This scholarship means a lot to me: the beginning of my dream, going to college, and helping my community more. I know that I will always have to work hard and never give up. There will always be people that will try to disappoint me and discourage me from succeeding. I also know that I will have my downs and I will have to learn to get back up and keep trying. Life is not easy and I know that I will be able to succeed.

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